September 11, 2006

Simple Moment

During my meditation over the weekend I was suddenly overwhelmed by the sound of birds. And instead of digging deeper into the sound of silence which is so often desired during a meditation, I pushed my mind out and around to the outdoors that were just feet away from me in search of sweet song.

I happened to be sitting in the apartment of my friend, and was very aware of the sound of his breathing (he was still sleeping). I was then intently aware of the noises coming from outside. The hum of the power washer motor, the scratching hiss of water being sprayed against a surface. The sound of cars passing in front of my sleepy friend's windows, tossing sound about with little care as to where it lands, the high pitch squealings of people shrieking with malovelent discontent at each other as they pass by. The pollution of sound overwhelmed me that I was almost ready to abandon my meditation due to the intense racket when I heard it. Amidst the cacaphony, a sound so delicate and quiet and yet so pure in intent it almost hurt. A sweet song of birds. And it took me by surprise.

Why? Why would the simple song of a bird have me reeling? Step outside into your back yard, your patio, stick your head out your window. You hear people yelling, cars driving, saws and power washers humming. These sounds grab your attention, leaving your ears to be boxed by the fists of everyday hustle and bustle. And then, almost like magic, if your ears reach far into the recesses of your outside world, you will hear it. And you will realize just as the bitter smelling tea you are about to drink is suprisingly sweet, the world out there, amidst the haste and noise, has taken pause through the most delightful sound.

For a good five minutes I focused on the sounds of these little birds. What kind where they, I do not know. How many were there? I would say there were a few different kinds. What were they saying? It is likely I will never know. All I do know is that moments like these have me realize that even when being surrounded by an environment that assaults the senses, there is somewhere deep within, a breathtaking moment of peace and serenity.

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