August 30, 2006

Food for Thought

I have recently discovered that my body is having adverse reactions to some of the things I normally would consume on a regular basis. Now of course these things aren't healthy things anyway, so it is an incredibly good thing.

But it is amazing how the body, if you are in tune with it and listen carefully to it, will tell you when enough is enough. The trouble is we are so disassociated with our bodies, so disconnected that we don't see these warnings until it is far too late.

So, in honour of my body, and in light of an article that I read last night with regards to eating mindfully - that is to be mindful of what you eat, not in just in the sense of being aware of what you are eating like 'Oh there are tomatoes in this salad!?', but being aware of what you are eating and how your body responds to it - I am taking a moment to pause on what food I am about to ingest, and how it feels as I ingest it, AND how it feels afterwards. It'll take some time getting used to I imagine, mostly because who has the time these days to be focused on the tomato in their salad, but I am going to try it.

Who knows, maybe I will discover something amazing. Maybe the tomato will have some wisdom. Tomatoes are pretty wise I hear.


Karin said...

Does this mean that you had an adverse reaction to our insane feast of yesternight?

Gwynabella said...

Yeah, you could say that! :P But oooh my the oysters and cheese spoke to me in ways no one could ever know. Wow.